Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why this Isn't a Self-Help Site

In every library and bookstore, there is at least one aisle dedicated to Self-Improvement. Catchy titles and trendy covers jump out at unsuspecting patrons, promising quick fixes, fast results, and a one size fits all approach to their problem of choice. Problems are categorized and labeled, giving the impression that disease states, whether they be physical or mental, are all separate entities, instead of symptoms of the same problem.

This blog focuses not on quick fixes, but subtle lifestyle choices that when implemented over time may have beneficial effects on your symptom of choice. My nemesis is Sugar Addiction and Candida, but all of the information I will be presenting serves as a building block for a healthy and happy life through food, exercise, introspection, life choices and healing. 

As a disclaimer I want to iterate that I am not a doctor or healthcare professional. All of the information I will provide I have received through research, life experience, as advice from friends and coworkers, and through trial and error. I will provide citations and links to information that I will use for each post, and as always, Dear Reader, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing a change in diet or exercise program.

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