Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Alternatives to Soda

If you crave Soda, know that like Ice Cream and Candy, it is one of the substances that is contributing to your Candida and fueling  your sugar cravings.  Studies also indicate that consuming soda, or any sugary drink for that matter, increases your risk of diabetes by 26% (1).  When considering Candida, it is helpful to also consider risk factors for diabetes, because both conditions are associated with spikes in blood sugar, either by feeding your Candida or promoting insulin resistance.

To address your Soda consumption, think about the context in which you drink Soda.  Do you buy soda in the can, in the bottle, or drink it as a beverage at restaurants? Do you crave Soda because of the caffeine, the sugar, or the carbonation?

If you have intense cravings for other sugary substances (candy and ice cream), it is probably a safe bet to assume that you crave soda for the sugar content.  Switching to a diet soda will not alleviate this problem because Candida feeds off artificial sweeteners just as effectively (2) and diet soda carries a similar risk for diabetes (3).  With this data, it is helpful to view all soda as the same substance.

In my experience, I know that if I bring Soda into the house in the form of cans, I will drink it.  I do so because it is convenient to grab a new can of soda when I crave sugar.  Part of the process of getting away from Soda is to trade cans of soda for a 2-Liter Bottle, because not only is it not as convenient, but after a couple of days open in the refrigerator it loses the carbonation and taste and is thrown out. 

Another way is to only buy a can of soda during a sugar craving and not purchase it as part of your grocery routine.   If you feel the need to buy a sugary drink at the grocery store, check labels and try to buy Orange Juice that is as close to fresh-squeezed as possible.  One form of juice you can use to transition away from soda is Naked Fruit Juice.  

Make Coffee without the Coffee-Maker
If you find you crave caffeine after trading Soda for Fruit Juice, switch to Coffee.  Many Candida diets do not recommend drinking coffee because there is speculation that the beans harbor mold.  Your coffee maker also harbors mold.  If you want to avoid the mold from your coffee maker, buy an electric coffee grinder, a French Press, and a tea kettle.  My boyfriend makes coffee every morning using this method.  It is cost effective because the coffee grinder also doubles as a flax seed grinder.

If you have a routine of drinking soda at restaurants, try ordering an unsweetened iced tea, an ice water with lemon, or a coffee.  Even an Arnold Palmer (Ice Tea and lemonade), especially that which is light on the lemonade, is an effective method to break the Soda habit.  Subway, for instance,  offers Green Tea with or without sugar.  Choose the sugary green tea when coming off of Soda and work towards the sugarless by mixing the two together in different ratios until you can transition to the sugarless.

When taking Soda and eventually bottled juice out of your diet, it is important to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water.  If you don't like the taste of tap water, filter it yourself or buy bottled.  Most grocery stores have a reverse osmosis water dispenser that filters out the chlorine and minerals and at the cost of about $0.30 per gallon.  Save your water jugs or buy glass ones online, clean them out with a vinegar spray and reuse them to buy water that is similar to bottled for a third of the price.

Lemon Balm Tea
Last but not least, herbal teas are a great additive to a healthy diet and are great substitutes for soda and juice.  Buy herbs from a health food store and make your own teas, or buy tea in a box, especially green tea.  When you go to a coffee shop, try ordering tea lattĂ©s or signature teas.  Avoid tea that is concentrated or that which is found in a bottle.  You can make your own ice tea by steeping tea bags in a quart-sized kettle, allowing the tea to cool, and then transferring it to a pitcher in the fridge.  Keep ice on hand and a variety of citrus fruits and cherries to add to your ice tea throughout the day. 


  1. There are tons of home remedies out there, but raw apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular. It is believed to work by re-balancing the body pH which is a function that helps to prevent fungal growth. It can also help to soothe the burning and itching associated with yeast infections.First off, it needs to be raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. You'll recognise it also by the fact that it should have sediment called the 'mother' in the bottom. Get it at your local health food store.Mix 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water and drink 1 glass 3 times per day. This will help to rebalance the pH in your gut and fight the fungus there. You can also add 2 tablespoons into 2 quarts of warm water and gently bathe the affected area using cotton. Another method is to add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar into a low, warm bath and bathe for 20 minutes or so: pull back the foreskin to let the warm water mixture get at the area.

    Get Rid Of Yeast Infection In 7 Days

  2. You are right Anie. ACV helps with pH and balances blood sugar. Much of the way I combat chronic Candida was through overcoming sugar cravings in my diet, avoiding sugar, and using methods to balance blood sugar like ACV. Applying ACV on the scalp and hair also helps combat Seborrheic Dermatitis. Thanks for the comment! I will try to do a post on ACV.

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