Friday, November 1, 2013

The Truth about Bread

If you have Candida, you probably have intense cravings for refined carbohydrates.  Refined Carbohydrates are anything with added sugar or corn syrup, and any grain that has been processed and stripped of its nutritional value.  Table sugar also makes the list, as do candy bars, granola bars, ice cream, pretzels, potato chips, canned fruit, pastries, and most cereals (1).  It is unfortunate too, that bread is also on that list, especially white bread.

White flour and rice should always be the first culprits to go when transitioning away from bread.  I will admit that I do indulge in bread from time-to-time and it has posed as one my greatest challenges.  However, I will share with you some great ways that are helping me transition away from it for good.

On my post on Breakfast, I suggested indulging in Whole Grains for Breakfast to combat carbohydrate cravings throughout the day.  Eating a bowl of brown rice, quinoa, oats, millet, buckwheat or amaranth in the morning will balance your blood sugar and reduce your sandwich cravings at lunchtime.

Another way to transition away from bread is by experimenting with different brands.  Trade your white bread for breads with labels that tout whole wheat or whole grain.  Become an avid reader of bread labels.  Look for hidden corn syrup, sugars, and white flour.  When in doubt, buy a particular brand of bread and don’t throw away the package—Google the ingredient’s list.

If your cravings are anything like mine were, than you know that even when you don’t bring bread into the house, you still crave that Subway Sandwich.  Even though Subway is definitely better for you than Mcdonald’s, intense cravings for sandwiches are going to be an issue that will need to be addressed.

The bread I found most helpful to steer clear of Subway and sandwiches is Ezekiel Bread.  It is a sprouted bread made from whole grains rather than flour, so it has more fiber, and digests slowly to prevent spikes in blood sugar (2).  Because of this, it is said to have a low glycemic index.

The Ezekiel brand offers more than just bread, marketing bagels and tortillas using the same methods.  Look for it at your local grocer or health food store in the freezer section.  I notice that it is cheaper at my local grocer.  A word of note, it is a little bit more expensive than other breads, but you will find that it may greatly reduce your breads cravings, as it did mine, and you will alternately find yourself reaching for whole grains, nuts, lentils, and beans to satisfy your carbohydrate cravings.


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